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Old 03-05-2003, 03:53 PM
B-Man B-Man is offline
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Default Re: Anti-War or Anti-U.S.?

As usual, you distort the facts.

He's not doing anything other than being inspected and bombed. Not sure how that qualifies as inciting a war.

Let's see, he is in violation of 1441, he has repeatedly refused to fully cooperate with the inspectors, he hasn't provided any accounting of, literally, tons of chemical weapons and hazardous materials which he was known to have but have somehow "disappeared", he hasn't made any disclosures of his WMD (other than denying he has any--maybe you "believe" that, but I don't think any reasonable person does), he has repeatedly lied and defrauded the world and made a mockery of the U.N.

Yet Irishhand says he hasn't done anything to incite a war. Thanks for proving my point about anti-American prejudice.
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