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Old 04-17-2005, 12:17 AM
FieryJustice FieryJustice is offline
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Posts: 290
Default Re: I got one, now I need another

Notice in this situation that when you obviously push all in with the KT, when your opponet folds his junk hand, you will then have neough chips to push all in aganist everyone except the small stack for the rest of the tourney and easily get ITM with most of the chips.
In this situation, I would push all in with most T8 or J5s. Your opponet does NOT want to lose here. He has a pretty ok stack and he will not risk it without a very very good hand. Also, if you do get called, you will probably be about 40% or better to win, at worse maybe 30%. You cant be scared to take 4th. If you win this hand, you should take 1st because you should kill the folks one the bubble.
Having said that, if your opponet is someone who NEVER miniraises in the sb, you could easily fold. Some people never min raise and some never go all in when stealing blinds. In the $215's, if I was in this situation and this was the first time I have been up aganist this guys blind defense and I didnt know anything about him, I would push him all in simply because if he is an unknown, he probably doesnt want to take 5th. If he is a "good' player though, I would fold.

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