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Old 02-20-2003, 06:42 AM
Clarkmeister Clarkmeister is offline
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Default Re: A cost of aggression

Seemed to work out quite well. You got RWT to take the worst of it on every street, even calling flop bet drawing near dead and a stone cold deat turn bet.

If RWT gave you any action, you were beat, no? How much do you like your 88 if RWT raises your butt on the turn or river? All you EVER get from RWT's is one bet at a time. And that's just fine.

You touched on a good point, however, and that is the cost of aggression. People soon enough learn that the most effective counter is to simply go limp and call down. When that happens you start to lose some value from your real big hands. However, you can now start taking more free cards and start playing more efficient postflop. This allows you to start increasing the number of hands played when in position because of all the money goes in when you want it to and not when they want it to. And they are too afraid of getting raised to effectively try and stop you.

Playing a very aggressive style is difficult to maintain because you must constantly be adjusting, and your judgement must be spot on. It is awful easy to degenerate into a full fledged maniac when you aren't on top of things. Take frequent breaks to stay fresh and focused. Even when you don't think you need it.
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