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Old 02-10-2003, 02:04 PM
DoctorK DoctorK is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 76
Default $10-$20 w/ $5 bring in - How to play 3rd st...

I jumped into a $10-$20 Stud game on Party Poker over the weekend. Its structure is a little strange, and left me questioning whether I was playing optimally.

The ante is $1 (as per usual) but the bring-in is $5. I understand it's usually $3 in most casinos (the structure of the 5-10 at Party Poker is $0.50 ante and $2 bring in -- "normal" at most B&M cardrooms).

I figure I'm better off playing very tight on 3rd, since the bring in is so high compared to the size of the pot, and also since to complete to $10 on 3rd is very small proportionally, so I would be very likely to have to end up putting $10 into the pot on 3rd. In fact, the pot was almost always raised (completed to $10) on 3rd.

As a correllary, as the $5 bring in, I think I should be MORE willing to call the extra $5 from a potential ante-steal, since I'm getting such good odds.

What do you think? Anyone else have any insight on this kind of structure (50% bring-in)?


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