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Old 03-30-2005, 03:28 PM
luckyplayer luckyplayer is offline
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Default Re: Taking off the training wheels...I hope

I'm also in the middle of trying to absorb/apply SSH, so I welcome any criticism to my attempted analysis.

flop: bottom pair + 1 card gutshot + backdoor flush. With that kind of board, you are most likely behind. Vs. 5 opps, catching your J will more than likely give someone a straight, catching a T will often result in a split with any J. Your 9's may be full outs. Given the board, I say discount to J to 0 or 1 out, disount the 9 to 1.5, give 2-3 outs for the T, and 1.5 for the backdoor flush. At best this is 7 outs, so it may be okay to bet here given that its been checked so far.

On the turn, you picked up your flush draw. You have increased your chances to win. 9 flush outs+ ~1.5 for nonspade T + ~0.5 for J + 1.5 for 9 gives 12.5 outs here. This is a definitely at least a call.
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