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Old 03-28-2005, 12:13 PM
moondogg moondogg is offline
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Default Re: Another Terri Shivo me figure this out

I honestly dont know how I stand on this issue, Im more for state's rights than anything, but I also see it as a moral issue..but, one thing that no one has been able to answer me: if i were to travel to Terri's hospice the day it was announced that the feeding tube was going to be removed, ie, while it was still in, and scheduled for removal, and shot her with a I commiting murder? Cause if so, it would seem that she's "alive" enough to be kept on???

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I haven't read any of the other threads, and I only opened this one because I was wondering WTF people could still be discussing.

Anyhow, shooting someone is murder, the active taking of life. Removing life support such as a breathing aparatus is allowing someone to die, passively. Removing a feeding tube, which is essentially starving a person, is a questionable grey area between the two. It is a topic complicated enought that it could not be done justice being discussed here. Read a few books on Medical Ethics.
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