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Old 03-24-2005, 03:07 PM
jimdmcevoy jimdmcevoy is offline
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Default The Ultimate Fish - Morally Wrong?

I've read posts here about whether it is right or wrong to take money off of a drunk person, gambling addict or whatever by playing poker with him. I lean towards saying it is not morally wrong, but this is the most extreme situation that really had me feeling bad:

10-handed limit cash game in a casino, and a guy sits down who is actually mentally retarded. I don't mean dumb, literraly mentally retarded, he also had some physical disabilities and speech problems.

He check-called every single hand, and at the river tabled his 83o or whatever over, and then has to look at the dealer to see if he won.

Of course he went broke.

I felt really, really bad for this guy, but I didn't leave the table or soft-play him.

what do you guys think?
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