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Old 03-17-2005, 01:31 PM
admo415 admo415 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 64
Default Re: A real financial puzzle -- help

If he has a house with equity, he should refinance, take that money and pay off all credit card debts ASAP. It makes more sense to be paying a lower percentage on a margage that one can use to build up equity again rather than paying extremely high interest rates on credit cards.

Second reason for doing this is that you can get a tax break on the Interest part of your morgage, so if he refinances, not only will he not be paying high credit card interest rates, but he will also get a tax break from the morgage.

That is the first step. How much does the beginning of the ladder pay for a mechanic, I cant image it would be MUCH less than the 22k/year he makes at the moment.

That is what I got from the information you provided: Use hoouse equity to pay off credit debt, get tax relief from new morgage, use the extra money that will come from paying lower rates on morgage and the tax breaks and that should cover the amount less he will earn the first year or two as a mechanic.

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