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Old 03-17-2005, 06:48 AM
AdamL AdamL is offline
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Posts: 407
Default A real financial puzzle -- help

I was chatting with the security guard in my building here and he was asking me for financial advice. After hearing his story, I confessed I couldn't figure anything out and told him I'd ask my friends online who know far more than me, and see what they think. So your help is much appreciated, if you think you have something constructive to offer.

He is in automechanics by trade but has all his experience from Tanzania and the Canadian auto industry requires you to become an apprentice and really work your way up a ladder within the shop. No matter how much experience you have, you're expected to take this route. (And he has plenty of experience already). He can't do this, because the pay wouldn't cover his existing bills. He's living on a shoestring already.

Ok, so his wife works and makes about 30k/yr (CDN) and he makes 22k/yr CDN. They have a house and about 100k in equity. Their credit cards are, I assumed, maxed out. (He said his CC debt is high) He has two daughters, one still living at home at 14 and the other is 20 or so and attending University. She's at home some significant part of the time. He said he absolutely needs 3 bedrooms wherever he is living.

His current house is a semi-detached small home. He owns a car, in good shape, and uses it a lot.

Now, he's spending basically his entire life day in and out working as a security guard. He hasn't got time for his kids and because their fincances are so tight, he is always worrying about it.

He needs to get out of this pattern. What should he do? What can he do?
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