Thread: AJo - Two pair
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Old 03-16-2005, 09:43 PM
theben theben is offline
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Default Re: AJo - Two pair

personally, i prefer to lead out and bet with 2pair. but there are a few things to consider. first of all, if you lead out and bet the pot, a draw will probably call you. as long as a blank falls off on the next card, you can bring down the hammer on the turn. if you checkraise and bet a lot, you nearly committ yourself to the hand and if the opponent calls and a draw card hits on 4th, you have a big problem (lots of your money is in the pot and you have a good hand but the board is very scary).

by leading at the flop, you put less money in on the flop if the scare card hits than if you checkraise. it wont commit you to the hand out of position and put you into a bad spot on the turn like a checkraise will.

checkraise: heres a play i sometimes use when i make 2 pair(mostly with aces up) i make a huge bet when i checkraise---a big overbet so nobody will call on a draw, and then i just ignore the next card pretty much. this risk is the bet is very large and may only get me called by a set. however, at small stakes games this isnt the case. so try it.
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