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Old 03-16-2005, 12:40 PM
CMonkey CMonkey is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 47
Default Re: Pokertracker has rated me tight-aggresive-passive?

Well at least against weak-tight players it's easy enough to figure out where you stand; bet out. Their hand either fit the flop or it didn't. It's not as frustrating as playing against loose-passives where they check/call to the river to show you their bottom two pair anyway. SSHE largely considers loose-passive and loose-aggressive opponents; against tight-passives you semi-bluff more, value bet less, and respect raises more. Getting reraised isn't the end of the world; not winning those couple extra pots hurts.

Pay attention; when you start folding small pots to reraises, observant opponents may get more aggressive and tricky on you so you have to adjust appropriately. Call down enough of the reraises in decently-sized pots when you have a hand to prevent this from happening (or reraise yourself if appropriate).
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