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Old 03-15-2005, 07:52 PM
GuruCane GuruCane is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 4
Default Re: Thoughts on Investment Banking

I actually don't want to dissuade you from i-banking at all. You'll just come to find that folks that actually work lots of 80+/hr weeks tend to take offense at neophytes that say they can handle it. Such newbies will often try to explain that 80 hrs is just five 14-hr days and a little weekend work or some such nonsense like that. I see this attitude time and time again: "If I just work hard during the week and get in at 7am and work through lunch, I can still get home at decent hour and only work on Saturday. BAM! 80 hrs." Wrong. Do you see why? You will. I will let others elaborate.

I-banking is a fantastic career in terms of sacrifice/reward/security. Job security isn't great (but relative to starting one's own business it's pretty good), but the sacrifices, while terrible in the short term (first 5-7 years), equate to incredible rewards at the back end (millions). Only job I know of where you can retire at 38 and NEVER lift a finger again (well, maybe winning this year's WSOP Main Event, hitting the lottery or starting a company).

Now, as far as college goes, I disagree and agree with the other posters. On the fun part--I agree 1000000% If you sit in your room and study for 4 years, you will regret it forever. BUT, don't be getting no 3.2 either (no matter what anyone tells you). Get excellent grades and party as much as possible--you are young and your body can handle it. Remember, b-school and potential employers look at those grades. This is the approach I took and college represents the best 4 years of my time on this planet. Good luck to you.
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