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Old 07-19-2002, 06:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Players don\'t mind losing to a \"nice\" guy

I also noticed something else last night. That I decided to write in a seperate post. Normally when I play,I do not say too much or talk to the players around me. I would say I act somber and aloof.

Last night for some unknown reason I was a bit more sociable. I had a few laughs at the table and had some good one line sarcastic comments ala Fred G. Sandford. I discussed my dislike of the Yankees, my thoughts on the impending baseball strike, the after effects of 9-11, ect.

It seemed to not only loosen the table up a bit, but people didnt seem losing to me. Except one player who I posted about in a seperate post.

With this being said, I will now make an effort to become a more personable person at the table. I will not give out advice or act as the table captain, however I will chit chat about sporting events going on, world events ect.

I dont know if anyone else finds this approach helpful, but in the future it is the role I wish to play.

Best Wishes


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