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Old 12-30-2002, 07:47 PM
AlanBostick AlanBostick is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Posts: 127
Default Question for Bill Murphy

Does this sound familiar?

2002 WSOP side action at Binion's. A 20-40 stud/8 game that has gone through the night has gotten down to two players: hometown hero, long-haired and bearded, wearing a fedora, and a local pro. (Hometown hero has played with the local pro once before, at the Palms' 9-11 game some months previously). Hometown hero is stuck, steaming, but thinks he has a knack for head-up stud/8. Local pro obviously sees an opportunity.

Hometown hero hold his own, wins a couple of key pots in seemingly strange ways, loses some too, announces, "When I get my stack up to $500, I'm quitting."

After a while he gets there, says he's done, starts to rack up his chips. The pro says, "Are you sure you want to quit?" and pulls out of his pocked a big wad of bills, implying how much there was to be won. (Was that a shiny metal hook imbedded in that there yummy-looking worm?) Hometown hero, although tempted, chose not to continue.

Bill, was that you?
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