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Old 03-05-2005, 08:01 PM
weevil weevil is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 79
Default Mid-limit Commerce Questions

I made my third trip to Commerce on Wednesday. The first two times I got my feet wet at 1/2 and 2/4 LHE, and sat in an incredibly loose aggressive 4/8 game this last time. I turned out a $600 profit in 10 hours of play, but this was despite the loss of more than a handfull of $200+ pots to longshots. The whole time I was there, I didn't run into any decent players (save one , and most were gamb00ling asians or laggy TV wanabees. It's insane how soft these tables are. I'm wondering if this is normal for the Commerce 4/8, and what kind of expected profit someone can make here? I was thinking $15-20/hr to be pretty reasonable, is that too high?

What about the 9/18 game, how soft is that? I've read the archived posts, and it seems like most people agree that it's very laggy. Are there any posters that play that limit regularly, and if so what do they think their average expectation is? How many decent players play regularly? Are they predictable or tricky?

And last, to that filthy Full Tilt shirt wearing, pedophile moustache wearing, Horseshoe Casino Chip toting jackass.. get a clue. If you know a 2outer to the river is 11:1, and still think a sixway capped preflop pot is horrible, you deserve to have lost that $400.
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