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Old 03-05-2005, 04:02 AM
OtisTheMarsupial OtisTheMarsupial is offline
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Default Re: Is this too young?

I told a friend with a Gender Studies degree about this. We think...

1. Many girls go through a stage where they want to be boys at around age 9-13. Theirs bodies start developing and they a)get harassed by pervs b)get annoyed that boobs and periods hinder sports c)et cetera. Some start wishing they were boys and then get over it when they’re a little older and get into bars for free.
If this is the case, the parents and medical professionals erred.

2. The news story is incomplete. We don't know what this kid's story really is. Perhaps the kid was born anatomically female but genetically male (or genetically female and hormonally male, or psychologically male and anatomically, genetically and hormonally female...)
If any of these are the case, and this seems much more plausible, then the parents and doctors probably did the right thing.

3. In 4th grade, what should it matter whether the child is treated as male or female? What gender segregated activities do children in 4th grade do besides use the restroom?

O. Marsupial
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