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Old 03-04-2005, 03:01 PM
Kronon Kronon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Sweden
Posts: 79
Default Re: I don\'t know how play this situation.

You HAVE to bet after the flop here. And it have to be a reasonable sized bet (atleast 75% of the pot). If he reraises you, fold and be done with it. But checking means you just gives up the pot, and QQ is much to good for that.

If the other guy have a hand like AT, he might even fold to a strong bet here. He will porbably fold with any pp, or any ace with kicker lower than 10. In other words, you will win the pot her unless our opponent have AA, AK, AQ, AJ and possible AT or KK.

This is the easy part. The hard part is when he calls, and a card below Q comes on the turn. Now what? The safe play here is to check-and-fold, but if you feel like gambling an all-in here could also do the trick (representing AK).
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