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Old 03-04-2005, 12:21 AM
MeanGreenTT MeanGreenTT is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Tampa
Posts: 32
Default Any Last Minute Advice? 1st \"Major\" Tourney!

I lurk and read here a lot. I've devoured all the books I can. I play a ton of hands online, even winning a $10 Rebuy/Add-on with 600 players for a payday of $4100. I play live weekly and last week placed 4th, 6th and 4th on consecutive nights in a $45 buy-in, 100 person tourney.

I qualified for the Paradise Masters thru a $5 Super-Satellite Rebuy Tourney. Spent $15 there and made it to the $50 Rebuy/Add-on Satellite and spent $50 there for the add-on. So for a total of $65 I'm in the $600 buy-in event with the top 150 paying, starting at about $1k.

Starting chips, T2500 with 30 minute rounds starting at 10/15 I assume. Most likely will end up over 2000 players. I found out at the last minute that I have to be in DC for Monday and Tuesday and that requires me to fly in on Sunday, the day of the tournament. So I fly out at 6am that morning to make sure I get there and get settled and rested before the start that afteroon. Not exactly the setting I wanted but I have no choice.

Try to see Flops cheaply with favorable cards and pound if they hit to accumulate early, use the stack to steal the blinds when they really matter, not early. Mind the Gap. Know my odds. Relax.

What would you add for an essentially, novice player, thanks!
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