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Old 02-28-2005, 10:56 AM
Tilt Tilt is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 224
Default Re: Implied Odds working against us?

Not only do you have to play for implied odds, but you have to play in manner that denies them to your opponents. That means making great laydowns from time to time. You need to consider it a victory that the opponent overpaid for a draw and then did not get paid off by you when it hit. Of course you still need to pick off the bluffs.

To your example, last night in 50NL, I played a trashy J8s in LP against a min raise cause I knew the min raiser had a great starting hand. Based on this player, I thought it might even be aces or kings. In fact, when I called with this trash, I was hoping it was aces or kings. Because the implied odds are better.

Flop came AK7, one of my suit. Min bet to me, I called. Q of my suit. Min bet to me, I call. At this point I know hes holding two pair or trips and hoping to portray weakness or trying to milk me. River is a T that makes the board a rainbow. Now he bets 1.5X the pot, and I push. He calls thinking "who the hell would till be in the hand with just a runner or gutshot draw?" My payday was 20 times my investment in the hand.
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