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Old 02-26-2005, 09:44 PM
sdplayerb sdplayerb is offline
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Default Tourney report Part II from $1K NL WSOP circuit event in SD. Long

So here I am now at 9K chips after being almost at 1K, so pretty happy. But lots of work to do. We are now in hour 5, 100-200. Nothing happened during 75-150 (I don’t think hand 4 was during that time, but it possibly was.)

Hand 5: 100-200, around 9K.

I pickup AK in late position and make it 600 to go. Player on my left who is very good calls, SB, younger kid from back east (who is pretty good) calls, BB-Dan Alspach calls.
Wow, ok. No A or K and I am done.
KT5, K and 5 are clubs, I have no clubs.
SB bets out 2K, he has a very big stack, 16-18K. Dan has even more.

I push as that is about a pot size raise, and reads less like a huge hand than a regular raise would. I just don’t see him having a hand that beats me here as if he did, he would check (but that could be a bad check).
He goes in the tank for about 2 minutes and finally calls about the 6-7K more.
He flips over AJ clubs for nut flush and gutshot draw.
No help for him comes and I go close to 20K.

While pondering if he did the right thing I say it was an autocall as I couldn’t be up much. He says he also thought I had KQ, so his ace was live putting him ahead actually.
I do think his preflop call was very questionable. I had hardly raised at all.
I also think if he does call, that a check-raise is a better play. I may have had to throw it away had I bet 2K, then he pushed. I’d still be healthy at around 6,500.

My plan from here is unless I get a real hand I am waiting for 100-200 25 ante, and then will turn it up a little and see how they play back. But I know Dan will be raising a lot too.

Hand 6: 100-200 25 ante, around 19K.

I really haven’t raised for quite some time as somebody else has or I have such crap I can’t consider it (and I don’t need much). So in late position I decide anything decent I am raising. The same SB and BB as my last big hand.
I get K5s (diamonds), and make it 600. They both call again.
I am done with the hand unless the following flops come:
1. 55x
2. K5x
3. KKx (and still will be careful)
4. Pair/flush draw

Flop comes with a K and two diamonds. Wow, nice flop.

SB kid looks about to bet and does for 2K. I’ve seen him make some bluffs so think I have some real folding equity. I figure he doesn’t have AK as he’d reraise. And even if he has KQ he has a real tough decision if I raise. If he has a flush draw, I am way ahead.
So I push.
He calls in an instant with AA.
Well I’d rather him have that than KQ. I know I am around 45% here, as he has one of my diamonds.
No help, and I am down around 11K and kind of sick.
I think my flop play was perfect as I didn’t need much folding equity.
I’d usually like my preflop raise, but considering who was in the blinds, it was a bit questionable particularly as Dan was defending his blinds.

I really don’t like his slowplay as he is out of position. Had he been on the button I would like it. But I had not shown aggression.
Really, he got lucky. The only way he is getting any more of my money when he is at all ahead is with that flop. No other flop that he is ahead on is he getting much money from me. He doesn’t know that though.

We both agree it is pretty funny that we’ve played two hands together and had two flops that left us close to 50/50. That is pretty tough to do.

A little later we go to a dinner break and I am still a little over 11K, but bummed about where I was which really made it tough for me not to cash.

Hand 7: 100-200 25 ante, 11K

I am in the SB, when cards are dealt the BB puts his blind out late, looks at his cards and mucks them to the middle of the table. I ask if that is a muck, he is given his cards back.
Folded to the button who minraises to 400, looks like a steal to me (plus he is tight it seemed), I have QJ and make it 1,200, BB folds, raiser thinks a little and calls.
Q9x flop, I bet 1,500 or 2K and he mucks AK face up. Phew, no clue why he didn’t reraise me. That helped.

Right before the break starts there was one last hand.
Player to my left in my big win hand and the SB guy get into. SB had raised and other guy called.
A66r flop. Check, raiser bets, other guy (how was in the blinds) pushes in for about 1800 more. SB goes into the tank for about 2 minutes then calls with TT.
Other player had 97h, one heart was out there. Only has runner-runners and hits runner-runner flush.

We talked about the hand later, and I said I thought I had never seen a hand at a table I was at played so well by both people. The bluffer was right the kid didn’t have an A, and he couldn’t call. The kid sniffed him out and made the tough call. But then got unlucky. (this hand actually I think was before the break after 75-150).

So we come back from dinner break at 150-300 25 ante, and are down to about 33 players. So starting to get close.
I’m not 100% sure on the order of a few of these hands.
I had just stolen with KK. My first KK of the week, and still no QQ, and AA once.
I was actually ok with just the blinds since was from EP.

Hand 8: around 12K, 150-300 25ante
Dan limps from late, the player from the AK vs QJ hand raises to 600 on the button. He has raised like this before with AA from my recollection.
I look down in the SB and have KK again. I make it 2,600. He pushed pretty quickly.
Crap. I knew he had a huge hand, but it didn’t quite feel like AA. I think he has QQ, but not really sure he’d commit either (some of this been combined thoughts from after). I finally call, he also has KK. And we chop.

I think I played it bad and should have mucked. It is more likely he’d play AA this way than QQ, and I know he isn’t playing AK that way. We both had big stacks, he had me covered by a little, and we were getting close to the money.
I honestly think I should have mucked, and felt relieved he had KK for a chop.

Hand 9: Around 13K, 150-300 25ante

The kid makes it 500 from UTG+1 (maybe UTG), he is corrected to make it 600. I sensed weakness immediately. Folded to me in LP and I have JJ. I almost reraise, but decided I want to keep it small and flat call, plus if my read is wrong he raises and I am done and don’t get to go for a set. Blinds call.
KTx flop, I really think I am ahead, we check around and plan to bet if a small card comes and checked to me. Small card, checked to me, I bet out 2K, he thinks awhile and calls..hmm. I had put him on AJ, AT, or mid pocket.
Q on the river, he checks, I check. He tries to get me to show first, but it is his turn, he shows an A, I show my Jacks and he mucks. I really have no idea what he had since he’d show the T in AT, any big A beats me.
Very nice pot.

Hand 10: Around 15K, same level

The kid raises from mid position to 900, Dan calls (immediately on his left), I smell weakness again. AQs in the cutoff or button.
I hate AQ, it sucks. But I am in a situation where I can raise and get away from it. And I do smell weakness. And not only am I going for the kids 900, but also Dan’s. And I don’t see Dan calling me just messing around. I make it 2,900.
Kid mucks quick, Dan takes about 15 seconds and does too.

Now my first final table I ever got my name in Card Player for was a $125 at Lake Elsinore, with two tables left I had Dan at my table with a monster stack. He raised a lot, and I got most of my chips from reraises on him, one with KK, one with 77. He mucked both times and showed an A. At one point said, I just don’t want to build up your stack (which I considered a big compliment). He said you must be ahead, and said the same line. I replied “there is no way with your stack I am making a play on you, as you know.”

I am now in very good stead.

Hand 11: Around 18K, same level. About 28 people left, 7 handed.
Raise to with A4s (I think suited) in mid position (but we are short handed). One player I don’t think highly of calls, one or two other callers in the blinds, Dan may have been the SB.
Low flop 862, or some nothing flop. Check around.
A on the turn. I think somebody must have a better A, check around.
I decide for the river I am in bluff catcher mode. We check around.
The first caller shows JJ, then I show my A4. He gets mad saying “you play A4, come on.” The kid jokingly agrees.
I say, well I played K5 earlier, the real question should be K5, not A5 (I think you had to be there).

A huge hand I am not in, Dan limps late, the guy from the KK hand is in the BB. They are both around 18K.
Flop comes 632, checked to Dan who bets 600, raised to 2,600, Dan makes it 6,600. BB calls.
At this point I know Dan has the 54, I figure the other guy for 63 (they have played a lot together).
K on the turn, BB pushes in, Dan calls in an instant with the nuts, BB had 86 and is pissed as he is knocked out. We can’t believe he had that. Others said no way to put Dan on 54. I say that is the only hand he could have. Any PP he is raising preflop, nothing else gives him a limpable hand.

We get to 27 players and there is a redraw for tables.

I get the same table, seat 2. Dan gets seat 1. Interesting.

Hand 12: Around 18K, same level.
I get AK UTG, and make it 1K to go. Dan calls in the BB.
JJx flop, he checks, I bet, he folds. It is pretty obvious we will not tussle unless something odd happens.

Then there is a little commotion. The dealer really sucked. There were dealers traveling dealing the circuit in purple shirts, then locals or trainess in white shirt. The other two tables had purple shirts, our guy had a white shirt.
One person complained that the dealer was bending the cards back and seats 8 and 9 could see it. Seat 8 is a good guy and good player I made my biggest final table ever at and says he can’t see it, but could see how that is possible.
The director is called over and has it explained he says he’ll watch the next hand.
Even with him watching he does another bad job and says he’ll deal a hand and show him.
I say if you need to show him, please get us a real dealer. We are at 3 tables and for a lot of money. He says he’ll deal one hand, and give him one more chance. Sounds fair (I though the director was great overall actually).
For this and Dan is in the SB and I am in the BB. Dan is very talkative in general and states emphatically that he wants nothing to do with this hand now that when this happens something weird occurs. I ask if you are folding blinds (as I want a walk).

Hand 13: Somwhere around 19K (maybe I had a little more), same level
Hand is dealt, an asian player in MP I don’t think I’ve seen limps. It is all weird with the commotion, but that is a terrible play.
Folded to Dan who says crap, I have to call. He really wanted to fold.
I check with 43.

A52 rainbow. Wow.
Dan checks, as I am betting Dan says: Great he is betting.
I bet 1K.
MP pushes in. OK he has an Ace, sweet.
Dan great, seemingly not please, and says Allin.
Now, it is not often you have two allins on the flop when you have flopped the nuts.
I have to recheck my cards. I know Dan has 55 or 22 and that I am only a 2-1 favorite.
But there is no decision, after a few seconds I say I’m allin and flip over the nuts.
There is a little commotion somebody acted like I flipped them over like Dan had just called. But that wasn’t the case, we are fine. Dan is really pissed as he predicted this would occur.
I know I have some outs to dodge.
The suffering is over quick as an A is dealt on the turn, and I am out around 25th.
I would have had 44K+ chips. I’m sure I’d have had a chip lead and possibly a big one.
I kicked a chair, but took it great otherwise except for some shock.

The director apologized and felt quite bad due to the weirdness of it all. I said it was not his fault.

I’m not really bitter about the money, except it would have allowed me to play some more big events, in particular the $1,500 NLHE and PLHE WSOP events had I gone far.
I see no way I don’t make the final table and make at least $5k, really $15K would be tough not to get.
I also really wanted to see what would have happened. I was having a blast, and then for it to end that quick was a shock.
I figured the only hand I ever lost for more than 600 chips was the K5 hand.
The way I was playing it would have been extremely tough for me to lose more than 3K on a hand (this is when I was just at 18K even).
So it would have been difficult for me to blow off $18K in chips unless something weird happened, like that.

I definitely learned some stuff which was great.
I can’t actually say I played awesome since much of my chips were due to others mistakes, and one led to a 50/50 which I won.
I did do a great job of conserving my chips without being too tight.
So I can take solace in that I played very well in my biggest event.

Thanks for reading, I know it was long.
I know there were only a few debatable hands, feel free to comment.

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