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Old 02-26-2005, 09:03 AM
eastbay eastbay is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 647
Default Re: I knew it...eventually a machine would take my job

1) I'm quite certain this isn't new. It's probably just the most obvious bot out there right now.

2) Get used to it. The Party structure is a preflop game, and the preflop game is very beatable "by the numbers." Party is not going to change their structure unless this becomes an epidemic, because it makes them a lot of money.

3) If someone wants to write a long-lived bot, they are going to have to do a better job than this guy, because it's got the biggest bot tells you could imagine, starting with the binary strategy of preflop all-in/fold, and continuing on to very obvious timing tells. You almost couldn't write a more obvious bot. It took one game for me to strongly suspect it was a bot, and two to be certain that's either a bot, or a person trying to act like a bot, and doing a very, very good job at it.

4) Party screwed up royally some months ago on their countermeasures for this. I'm not getting into specifics, but they could make this _much_ harder to do with a simple client change. Of course, this barrier could eventually be overcome by the determined.

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