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Old 02-23-2005, 08:15 PM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Default Re: Schoonmaker and Economics (long)

I have been reading this discussion and find it intensly fascinating. I believe the way to express how I view the topics is to say that I need to understand the economics of the table before I sit down in a game (a broad view), but when I play a hand against an opponent I need to understand the psychology involved to make an optimal play (a very narrow view). Just as economics attempts to predict behaviours of large groups of people in an economy, psychology models individual behaviour. I think they are mutually exclusive, but share some basics. You need to be able to grasp both if you want to play good poker, run a business well, or invest. The key, I think, is recognizing a situational factor that makes the general rules nonapplicable or alters them slightly.
I am reminded somehow of Asimov's conception of Psychohistory.
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