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Old 09-07-2001, 09:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Jon: But it could be you or me!

"To Jon I say find a balance in life. If poker is your only passion I don't like your chances."

I've seen others make similar comments to Jon. What makes anyone think that because Jon's passion is poker that he is making a mistake by focusing on that passion? I'm not so sure you are correct.

Vince, what are the chances that the local high school basketball "star" makes the NBA, or even proball in Europe? Even the most passionate, hard hard working kid around? I don't know the exact figure, but let's go conservative and say 10,000 to 1. The NBA is also littered with ex-pro's, who played a few years, then bombed out face an uncertain future. One simply must be realistic

I don't think anyone is suggesting that it is wrong for Jon to be passionate about his poker. But he must stay focused on the reality.

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