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Old 11-28-2002, 12:21 PM
IrishHand IrishHand is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 888
Default Let President Bush speak for himself

For those unaware of current events in Canadian politics - Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s communications director Francoise Ducrois resigned Tuesday after calling George Bush a moron. Apparently, Francoise was forced to quit despite the fact that nobody actually looked into his assertion. Is Bush really a moron? Let’s look at some of the things he's actually said (and no - I didn't make any of this up):

“The question not often asked ‘is we teaching our children?”
“I think we agree, the past is over.”
“I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family.”
“I think we ought to raise the age at which juveniles can have a gun.”
“I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.”
“We cannot let terriers and rogue nations hold the nation hostile.”
“It’s clearly a budget. It’s got a lot of numbers in it.”
“They want the federal government controlling social security like it’s some kind of federal program.”
“Will the highways on the Internet become more few?”
“We’re making the right decisions to bring the solution to an end.”
“It’s going to require numerous IRA agents.”
“We’ll let our friends be the peace-keepers and the great country called America will be the pacemakers.”
“This case has had full analyzation and has been looked at a lot.”
“I am a person who understands the fallacy of humans.”
“Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment.”
“I’m a uniter, not a divider. When I comes time to sew up your chest cavity we use stitches as opposed to opening it up.”
“People misunderestimate me.”

Want to know why I wanted Bush to win over Gore? Bush is better to parody on SNL. Sadly, you don't need to work to hard to find things to make fun of him about. In that, he's a lot like ol' Bill, who I miss dearly for SNL value.

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