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Old 11-27-2002, 07:05 PM
IrishHand IrishHand is offline
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Default Re: He stands up for what he believes in!

Actually, neither Pol Pot nor Hitler really stood up for what they believed in - at least not before or during their ascents to power. They were just as political and manipulative of the common man as our modern-day politicians - it's just that their views are seen now (and in some cases, then) as extreme and unconventional.

Hitler, for example, had a lot to gain by "standing up for what he believed in" - it ultimately got him to power in the country. However, "what he believed in" changed in direct proportion to how much power he had. "What he believed in" in 1933 just prior to becoming Chancellor and "what he believed in" in 1940 when he'd achieved complete and total control over the country and it's military and knew he could say and do whatever he wanted without fear or reprisal was totally different. You'll note he didn't start his wholesale murders until after he'd consolidated power.

Really, I think the degree to which a politician or public figure "stands up for what he believes in" is directly related to how much or little his expression of his positions will affect the amount of power he holds or will hold. It's easy for a bystander to "stand up for what he believes in" - he has nothing to lose. A prospective presidential candidate, as a function of how our political system works, can do no such thing.

Just some thoughts...
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