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Old 02-20-2005, 02:43 AM
dabluebery dabluebery is offline
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Posts: 13
Default Sticky Home Game Means New Rule?

I play with a group of friends and family, very friendly but taken seriously, too.

Played at my house tonight. $25 NL cash game, then a $20 tournament. During the cash game, "Steve" made the AMAZING lay down of KK preflop, to aces. The one time in your life this happens. It's obviously the talk of the night, and we get pretty chatty during our games, sometimes it slows us down.

Anyway, during the tournament, after some preflop raising, and with a flop of T62 rainbow, "Jason" makes a move at the pot, moving all-in with 99 versus Steve, the guy who folded aces earlier. So happens that Steve had them again.

Steve shows them to the player to his right, and says "Do you think I can lay this down?" The player said, "I don't know, you're in a hand, and I can't say anything." This generated some hoots and hollers at the table, speculating about laying down KK again. I said "If he's got KK, he's crazy, but what do I know."

So Steve makes the call, and then the guy with 99 explodes when he misses his 2-outer. He says that we gave him advice that convinced him to call, that he was gonna lay it down. He throws his money down on the table, storms out and leaves.

Our new rule; "STRICTLY adhere to 1 person to a hand."

This way, everything said by other players at the table is mere speculation. We're all friendly here, and there's a lot of talk at these games, which is a) unavoidable and b) what makes the game so fun usually. Typically, people will look at a flop with a flush / straight draw and say "Wow, JT of clubs looks pretty good right now," or whatever. So that's never gonna change.

Think this is enough action to discourage problems like this in the future? Basically, after this guy left, we all agreed to just not show hands to each other. It was pretty obvious that the guy over-reacted, but still, one player to a hand is still a good rule to have.

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