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Old 02-18-2005, 08:21 PM
droolie droolie is offline
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Default Zonk! To play is to win

(This was a popular game when I was in college many moons ago and seems like just the thing to share with you hosers)

Zonk! To play is to win.

Begin with 5 dice, a piece of paper and a crayon for scoring. Roll all five dice and see what you

-1's are 100pts
-5s are 50pts
-3 of a kind is that number X 100pts (except 3 1's are
-a straight w/5 dice rolled at one time is 1500

If you roll no points at all you Blodz and lose your
turn. If you roll any points you can keep rolling
or stop.

If you decide to keep rolling then you must leave at
least 1 die untouched for every roll. (eq: first roll
leave at least 1 die, 2nd roll leave at least 2 dice,
etc until you either decide to stop or until each of
the 5 dice have points. If all 5 dice have points then
you MUST roll all 5 dice and continue gaining points.

Keep rolling as many or as few dice as you wish until
you decide to stop and take the points, or until you
roll no points and Zonk! thereby losing all points gained that turn.
- Zonk! means you rolled nothing.
- you "win" a bong hit for each 1000 pts
- game is to 10,000 pts
- landing on and ending your turn at 6900 is a bonus

Forgetting your turn when playing Zonk is called a Vanna, and you lose your turn.

If you pick up the dice when you should not have or get too high that you throw the dice across the room or do anything
stupid while playing Zonk! then you Blodz and lose your turn.
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