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Old 02-13-2005, 05:57 AM
Luv2DriveTT Luv2DriveTT is offline
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Default TT Trip Report - Vegas

I have never been good at my trip reports. They tend to be evaluations of the room, but I usually leave out the juicy details about the actual hands I play.

Well this trip I am striving to be more like Mike Gallow. I resolve to:
1) Bring a notebook
2) Post an update on my trip daily (when possible of course).

DAY ONE - NYC to Vegas

One of the best parts about this trip is my company paid for it. The unfortunate side effect is that I had to fly on Jet Blue to LA from NYC first, wait 2 hours, and then transfer for the Vegas flight. That drove me mad..... but luckily I got the time to re-read SSHE on the planes. The flight wasn't that bad, and the rental car upgraded me to a Chrysler 300 for just $10 a day... so I guess all in all the traveling portion of my trip was pretty cool so far.

When I arrived at the Bellagio, my room reservation was missing. Luckily the Poker Room was very helpful and found another room for me. The rate is $199/night on the weekends, as long as you log in 9 hours of play in the poker room. (LITTLE KNOWN SECRET - you can also log your hours at the Mirage, they share databases).

As I already mentioned in a previous post the poker room is closed for renovations, so they moved the room out on the floor. After a 1 hour wait for a 8/16 table I was all ready to go.

Great highlights:

* Daniel Negrano haging on the phone while I was waiting for fellow 2+2ers. He is much bigger in real life, in fact he is not that short.
* Guy at my table thanking me for leaving so he can start winning pots again.
* +4.46 BB/Hour winning session, with 7 hours logged in.
* Dumb regular who asked for two new setups in a 1 hour period. That pissed me off, but dealer took his side
* Dealers generally suck when they play poker. Bellagio dealers are no exception
* The games at mostly 6+ to the flop, EVEN when raised UTG. Its as if am staying in Ed Miller's Nirvana!
* I'm surprised at how slow the Bellagio dealers are.

My eyes are rolling back in my head, I am so tired. More tomorrow!

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