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Old 02-06-2005, 05:05 AM
GuyOnTilt GuyOnTilt is offline
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Default Re: Thoughts on ZJ\'s post

Ok, so what you are saying in 1-5 is that you are lazy. No one enjoys taking tests or doing homework, but doing these things are necessary in order to learn.

No, they're really not. I've learned far more on my own time than from classes and instructors. That's not to say that test, homework, class, etc. won't help, but they most certainly are not "necessary in order to learn."

Congratulations, you would rather kill yourself than be a productive member of society. Instead, you have chosen, at least for now, a profession that creates nothing. You sit at a table or your computer all day as people transfer money between each other. What value or useful service does that add to society? Nothing.

Why does your main source of income define how social productivity? My "job" is not what defines me. The way I live my day to day life and conduct myself around others is what I take pride in. Would you rather I (or ZJ, whatever) work a 9 to 5 down at Kinko's? Would that be acceptable to you? 'Cause then I'd earn less than 10% of what I do now and wouldn't be able to do a lot of the things that I feel are important to me and hopefully are a help to society. Things like financially providing for a family of 4 in Rwanda, a child in Rwanda, supporting solid charities, etc. I probably wouldn't even be able to do the small little things that I enjoy doing either, like taking a homeless guy to lunch instead of giving him a few bucks and talking with him over a nice meal, or leaving all my change on the counter at fast food joints and grocery stores and 7-11's for the person behind me to use. Those are the type of things that matter to me and I feel help in some way at least to define who I am. I don't pretend my current occupation is noble by any means, but I also don't need that to define me as a person. If you do, then that's fine and there's nothing wrong with that, but don't assumme that's what others need to do as well.

Oh poor Justin! Little Justin needs his sleepy weepy. Seriously, this is the worst reason of all so far.

I can't relate to people with sleeping disorders because I don't have one myself, but I do know and know of people who do, and from what I can tell, it really does suck and is a serious ailment. Do you make fun of people who have asthma too? I don't know that ZJ's sleep problem is serious enough to really keep him from being able to "do" college, but I don't know that it's not and neither do you.

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