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Old 02-05-2005, 02:24 AM
Belok Belok is offline
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Posts: 150
Default Bets coming from SB/BB

I cant remember if this was specifically covered in SSH, been a couple months since i've flipped through it, but its something i've noticed during my last couple months play that has been useful.

Whenever I see a bet from the SB or BB on a semi-coordinated board (2 flush cards or decent straight cards), Id be willing to say about 60-70% of the time the bettor is drawing.

I watched myself do it frequently too out of instinct. Something like 92spades in the BB and flopping 2 spades on a semi raggedy board. Betting into it frequently drives the opposition out before you even see the river. Against unknowing enemies its effective, but I've recently began to take advantage of it.

I'll frequently reraise a bet from a blind with mid pair top kicker, mid pocket pair, etc. 1) it is often enough to drive out people with TPWK who dont want to call 2 bets. 2) Makes the blind pay more. 3) if the blind DOES happen to have a raggedy 2 pair or something, you'll often get a nice checkraise on the turn letting you know exactly where you stand.

Here's the deal breaker. You have to be able to dump your mid pair, or even sometimes TPTK to a checkraise or a lead out bet on the turn. If a 3rd flush card falls I toss out the bet if the blind checks. If he was straight drawing he's very likely to fold here, if he has TPWK he's likely to fold, and if he has the flush you'll know it.

This move has been working out for me alot recently...not sure if its just luck or if it will continue to do so. But figured id post it.

Sorry if this is hard to follow or doesnt make sense. I'm a bit high (nutmeg anyone?) and dont want to play impaired.
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