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Old 01-30-2005, 05:48 PM
gmanko gmanko is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 65
Default Ouch - the fish are biting me! (how long to break even)

I started keeping track of my session results recently using StatKing and PokerTracker, and would appreciate some feedback on how long it took other players to break even.

Using Turbo Holdem and StatKing I am a winning player, and PT rates me as either TA/A or lately TA/P (since I have not been getting cards), so I hope my results really aren't that bad once I really do start winning 80% of the pots like I am supposed to against river flush and straight draws.

I know a lot of this is in Malmuth's Gambling Theory, just wanted to see what the distribution is in live games.

Also, it seems that on weeknights it is much easier to win than on weekends, so much so that I am thinking of not playing then anymore.
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