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Old 01-27-2005, 12:21 AM
nothumb nothumb is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 90
Default Re: *Almost* a fight!

At my job there are strict rules about how one can restrain a child. One of them is that it's never punitive, only to prevent them from doing harm to themselves or others. Another is that you need two people to do a restraint.

I got into an ugly confrontation with a kid while doing room checks a few weeks back. He came at me as if to hit me, paused when I didn't budge, said, "What are you gonna do, bitch," etc. I told him that if he laid a finger on me I was gonna slam his ass, lock him in his room, and call the cops. I'm not losing my job over a fight with some kid, and this guy was so out of line and management refused to address it that it would be the only recourse I had.

He backed down so it wasn't an issue, but I probably would have filed charges.

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