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Old 01-25-2005, 06:30 PM
partygirluk partygirluk is offline
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Default Which film should I see with my mum?

I'm going to take my mum out to a film some time soon. I like any good film, whether Spirited Away, Amadeus, Godfather, The Incredibles, Spellbound, Amelie etc. As long as it is good, I will probably like it.

My mum claims quite traditional taste in films. She likes film where a man and a woman fall in love, the language is clean etc. However, I have got her to see some more arthouse films, and she has enjoyed them. She would not enjoy a film like Terminator though.

My friend Natalie wants to go and see "an intelligent, thinking film" with me next week. So I guess this is really a two part question. What should I see with my mum, and what with my friend.

The options are:

The Aviator
The House of Flying Daggers
Ladder 49
Lemony Snicket
Meet the Fockers
National Treasure
Team America - World Police
A Very Long Engagement
White Noise

Also Ray and Vera Drake, although seeing these films would be a bit out of the way for the date with my mum.

I am not doing a poll as the results would likely reflect the most seen film rather than the most appropriate.
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