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Old 09-20-2001, 08:26 AM
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Default Re: Quick response and two basic thoughts

I agree that the U.S. should weigh options carefully and not rush into anything prematurely.

I think a possible solution for the Palestinian problem should be worked on--very seriously. Almost surely an ideal solution cannot be reached for this thorny issue, but just maybe a workable solution can be.

I am not sure about the specifics of the sanctions on Iraq--perhaps they should be lifted, I really don't know.

The irreconciliable differences between Western culture and strict Islam, by themselves, perhaps wouldn't cause holy war or terrorism...though I submit that the other root differences and problems don't have to cause terrorism, either.

I don't think we can make the Islamic world entirely happy with us no matter what we do. I think we should work to live in peace and harmony to whatever extent is possible. I think we should also make it clear we won't tolerate terrorist attacks upon us.

What do you think about SammyB's point that Khadafy used to be quite a problem, but he has been awfully quiet since the bombing of his residence? And that Khomeini released the hostages upon Reagan being sworn into office? I doubt these are coincidences. Even terrorist-supporting leaders have some respect for strength and danger.

In sum: Work towards peace, work hard to arrive at solutions to the most pressing problems...but we cannot, IMO, stand by or offer an olive branch to those who attack us so terribly. I really think they need to be eliminated for two reasons: so they can't do it again, and so other terrorists leaders realize they are jeopardizing their organizations by such actions. They might not care if they, as individuals, die in their holy struggle, but they will care if their organizations are badly hurt. Likewise, heads of state must realize that they can no longer harbor aggressive terrorists, and that the rules have changed...that they will be in jeopardy too if they continue to do so. I really don't think we can allow the continued existence of terrorists and their organizations to the degree that they now flourish. It's not like they are just a political entity with opposing views. They are sworn to destroy us, and that is where we have to draw the line, IMO. They also generally target the weakest, most innocent and defenseless elements of their enemies in an effort to cause terror, and that is morally despicable, IMO.

I think the free world can probably directly eliminate a good portion of the terrorist leaders and their organizations through pinpoint bombing, and that the heads of state who shield the rest of them can be persuaded to give them up. The world doesn't have to stand for terrorism. Even RUSSIA is considering allowing the U.S. to use their territory as a military springboard for an attack against those responsible for the latest atrocity. With almost the whole world against them, terrorists can indeed be overcome. Even IRAN is taking a stand, I believe.

As I posted recently, I do believe that a solution to the Palestinian problem might be reachable if the Palestinians could have a homeland (even if less than ideal in their eyes because it does not include Jerusalem). Israel was created; why not create a Palestinian state now, too? Land could be purchased from the nearest neighbors(s), perhaps, with U.N. funds.
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