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Old 10-21-2002, 01:19 AM
Andy B Andy B is offline
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Default Re: Yes--Results and Comments

At the time I wasn't absolutely sure that JC didn't have a straight, but I was more than 90% sure. I can't really explain why, but I sensed that he was weak, and I was right. I have thought about this hand a lot since then ($935 is the most I've ever lost in a hand; it wasn't exactly a warm fuzzy feeling). After thinking about it some, it occurred to me that JC absolutely couldn't have had the straight. If he had had that good of a three card start, he would have made it a full bet on third street, especially with two limpers in front of him.

Given that JC doesn't have a straight, why would I want to stop jamming on fifth street? My edge is pretty significant. If DV wants to throw $300 in there with three babies and three spades, shouldn't I give him the opportunity? So he isn't going anywhere; at that point, I don't really want him to go anywhere.

I am pleased to report that I left this session a $1000+ winner, and that DV left with somewhat less than what was in that pot.
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