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Old 10-16-2002, 11:53 PM
Ray Zee Ray Zee is offline
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Default Re: jp morgan...z free zone..

i dont know which jp you are talking about but the father jp made his dough partly or mainly by being one of the robber barons. he controled railroads and u.s. steel. you know all about those guys. his son also jp had a good start with that much cash, so anything he might have said i would take with a grain of salt. the original morgan i think it was julius spenser or something like that was the big banking guy at that time in the 1800's. he died in the late 1800's, so thats way back before the world began.
i wish i could trade by using the stars to guide me. but all i can do is follow polaris to find my way home in the dark.
btw, polaris is found by following the two stars in the open bucket of the big dipper. its called also the north star. but it is not a bright star as most would think.
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