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Old 09-12-2001, 07:07 PM
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Default Re: The U.S.S.R. Never Had Problems With Terrorism

Some reasons why the USSR was never the victim of the types of terrorist attacks the US was:

1. Israel was a US ally, not a Soviet one.

2. The USSR had less motivation to meddle in Middle Eastern affairs, and more specifically OPEC, because of its own vast oil supply.

3. The USSR was usually on the side of those likely to resort to guerilla warfare terrorism, ie, the disenfranchised, and the poor. On the other hand, the US frequently took the side of the rightist "establishment" 3rd world despots, whose backers were less likely to resort to terrorism. A good example of this would be the US backed Shah of Iran, as well as the oligarchies in place in El Salvador and elsewhere in Central and South America.
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