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Old 09-11-2001, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: This was not a crime!

A mere strike would be insufficient and would undoubtedly have exactly the results you suggest.

What is needed: the free world launching an all-out war against terrorism and terrorist organizations, their leaders and cronies. In six months they could be virtually eliminated.

It is the unspoken policy of allowing them to fester for so many years that has resulted in their increasing boldness and in the growth and power of their organizations. If NATO does what it probably should, then shortly bin-Laden, Hamas and other major terrorist leaders/organizations will be resting in: A) peace B) the Hague C) Hell D) any combination of the above.

Make no mistake, we need to defend ourselves, but we also need to destroy these organizations, because their raison-de-etre is to harm and destroy us in any way possible.
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