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Old 01-07-2005, 04:40 PM
VBM VBM is offline
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Default Re: Benefits of a job in IT

mmm. possibly? I work in IT, but I can tell you plenty of ppl are plenty nervous about information workers abroad (India & China) displacing them. rightly so, as someone running a company; if you had to pay someone;
1. in Banglore $5/hour to do the same job you pay someone
2. here $15/hr to do (not to mention paying their insurance costs, etc)

who would pick #2?

IT salaries have also been stagnant over the last couple of years (as a whole, please don't reply me with, "not me, i got a 10% raise last year!"...plenty of ppl didn't) and products constantly change and if you don't keep up, eventually, you are obselete.

Also, depending on your personality, it may not be a fulfilling career; as nothing you do as an IT-ant will have significance to anyone in 5-10 years.

But, this may be a "grass is greener" many people are really fulfilled by their careers?
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