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Old 01-02-2005, 01:34 PM
GeorgeF GeorgeF is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 110
Default Re: tsunami invesment oppurtinities?

Indonesia fund (IF) is at all time highs, perhaps anticipating billions of disaster relief bucks.

India and Thailand were really not badly hit.

Sri Lanka: From the US if you have a full service broker you might be able to invest in something called John Knells.

The Tsunami is really not a big event economically. Even in Acheh Indonesia the mineral extraction businesses were not effected. The thing to remember is that the tsunami hit maybe for 1/2 mi inland, and had less effect on protected harbours. The basic fact is that subsistance fishing and even resort operations are not important businesses.

You might be able to go to those places an buy a property there, but that will take businesss skills in addition to money.
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