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Old 09-14-2002, 01:39 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: a couple links about he war on terror

the bin-Laden tape a fabrication...r-i-g-h-t...and even if it was, it wouldn't take away all of bin-Laden's exhortations to his followers to kill and plunder all American males wherever they can be found, and the threats continually made by al-Qaeda against the US.

I know you're really keen on conspiracy theories brad, but let's use a little common sense here: throw out the tape if you want--it doesn't matter--al-Qaeda has attacked us and boldly states that it will do so again...and how about all the morons in the Middle East who thought it was really a US/Israeli plot to give the US an excuse to attack? Or maybe it was the Vulcans who engineered 9/11 because they are mad at us because we killed Spock and took the original Star Trek off the air. Well if it was the Vulcans, we haven't got a chance of beating them, unless diplomacy might succeed. So maybe we should commission the authors of that web page to be our emmissaries to Vulcan, and send them off on a 5-year mission.
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