Thread: Expensive habit
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Old 09-07-2002, 05:12 PM
Phat Mack Phat Mack is offline
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Default Re: Expensive habit

This is just how addictions work: they don't sit around and say, "Smoke! Smoke!;" instead, they say things like, "If you smoke, you'll play better!"

On some level, you know this is pure BS. Smoking has nothing to do with the cards you get nor with the way you play them. But your addiction is giving you plenty of outs to backslide.

Smoking may be the toughest addiction to break. It takes a while to get over it, and in some ways you never will. But in a week or so you'll have a lot clearer head about it. Is there smoking where you play? Be aware that breathing second-hand smoke triggers the addiction and makes it tougher to beat. But being cognizant of what's happening will allow you to overcome. Here's a suggestion: print out Zee's response and read it when you go on tilt. You'll always be glad you stopped letting them get their hooks in you. Also, anything you do to exercise your self discipline will make you a much better poker player than you ever were. It's the name of the game.
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