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Old 09-07-2002, 12:34 PM
Aaron W. Aaron W. is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 87
Default Re: Simulation Request.

I haven't tested this, but I don't think the "6" is the special part of the card. It's really just the fact that JTs has at least one flush card guaranteed with the 6c; he always has at least a backdoor flush draw (if not a 4-flush or made flush). In fact, since it's an all-in situation, it doesn't matter where the 6c/6h comes from. So giving the board a 6c takes away a chance to draw to the flush.

Drawing at least 2 hearts in 4 draws (6h given to the board from the start): 26%

Drawing at least 3 hearts in 4 draws (6c given to the board from the start): 3%

(I think I did those computations right...). So you can see that there is a dramatic difference if you take away that one chance to draw to the flush.

Aaron W.
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