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Old 12-16-2004, 01:42 PM
Loci Loci is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Michigan
Posts: 58
Default Re: Why does the MRS pay $28 to get the dog\'s haircut and go him a sweater

To UNDERSTAND the MRS, You must think LIKE the MRS...
Your wife is a capitalist, as are we all, and while she is spending this money out of her own pocket, she is getting a reciprocation out of it. While men often tend to put more value on use(although not always, ladies!), women often put more emphasis on sign-exchange value. She is not spending the money for the sole reason of keeping the dog warm, she's spending it for the comments that her friends will give her on it's cuteness, and therefore elevate her psychologically in esteem and potentially elevate their opinion of her and her sense of taste. It is, in many ways, the reason we(men) get cars that are far too powerful for our practical needs. We get a sense of pride from the 64 1/2 mustang with a big block. We don't need it, it does nothing for us that a 85 honda civic couldn't do(theoretically), but for those same reasons of sign-exchange value, we want it.
-Just be glad that the hair cut and sweater didn't cost fifty grand.
Take care,
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