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Old 12-16-2004, 12:23 PM
fnord_too fnord_too is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Norfolk, VA
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Default Re: Why does the MRS pay $28 to get the dog\'s haircut and go him a sweater

Different people have different utility functions. You just have to accept that not everyone values things the way you do. Hell, I buy books knowing that the likelihood I will ever make it to them is slim at best (because my reading list is so friggin long, and only gets longer).

It is usually futile to try to apply rationality to emotion, if it makes her happy to do such (IMO) silly things, you just have to accept it. (I mean really, when you start to analyze it, how is this different from say paying to go to a sporting event or the movies or anything "fun".)
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