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Old 12-10-2004, 01:41 PM
Daliman Daliman is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 382
Default Re: My best hand ever.....was a great feeling.

People crack me up....will try to find something to critisize in everything...even though he knows nothing of the dynamics of the table, what % of the time were people limping and/or raising and if raising for how much. Do they know for example if you raise a standard 3-4xBB that everyone folds almost 90% of the time?

I agree that 2 chased badly, but the player to my left flopped the nut flush draw, and he was my main opponent. I have been told by many I *respect* (including some names you would recognize) that I played it about as well as I could. How can you find fault when the ultimate goal is to take everyone's chips that are in the pot when you flop a monster like quads and that is what you do. Almost EVERY other move (bet) I make will cause the people in the hand to fold, and I rake LESS chips.

And just for the record, since you like to critize, I have been there the past 3 nights, played in the lightning tourney 8 times. Out of the $ once....4 first, 2 second, 1 third. I basically won my entry every night prior to playing, so that is $3100 Not counting entry fees, BUT I am sure you will find some fault in that. Fire away.

OH Grand Poker Wizard, please enlighten me on the proper way to play this hand. (Even though you know going in, you cannot obtain a better result) Please, please....I am constantly hitting refresh to see your inspired words!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, what I do know is that a raise to 100 at 50-100 level is not a raise, and even if you RAISED it 100, it's a horrendous raise. Who do you think is folding here? Do you really want to get more money in the pot with a hand that can only continue logically on the flop 1 out of every 7 or so times? And if they fold when you make a 3-4x raise, it seems to me raising a couple limpers and taking 350-450 chips profit without a fight is DEFINITELY better than seeing a flop 6 handed for 200 with 88, results notwithstanding.

Otherwise, yeah, your specific slowplaying actions are what 99% of the population would do.

So, you made $2700 on there so far, likely riding a string of good fortune in doing so, as anyone would have to. Congrats. A nice profit, to say the least. But if you think that # impresses me, you are barking up the wrong tree, Fido.

My main problem with your post is how smugly it comes off, and how smugly you appear to have acted in your own words. I can only imagine how bad it actually was. I can understand the excitement, and why you would want to post about it, but please, save the "How brilliantly did I play these flopped quads?" for your friends who know little about poker. You had 3 people jump on your sword. Doesn't make you a Samurai.

P.S. If your "main" opponent,(debatable as well, but whatever) was a good, tight aggressive player, he would not have out another dime in the pot after the flop, ESPECIALLY after your hackneyed comment. His turn bet is horrendous beyond all comprehension, but then again, you two WERE the best players at the table, which, given my live experience, may even be possible here.
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