Thread: Relapse Party?
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Old 12-03-2004, 03:14 PM
beerbandit beerbandit is offline
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Default Re: Relapse Party?

i voted no because it sounds like drinking might not be for you. some people can handle it and no when to quit and managed themselves properly in those situations.

if your goal is to be sober for the rest of your ife i do not see the party necessary. if you are taking a break until you feel that you can handle the responsibilities again then i do not see the harm in it. i would be worried that after you started drinking that one of you may decide to drive which would definetely not be a good idea.

someone close to me was once a heavy drinker and got in some severe trouble because of it. (thankfully noone was every injured) he quit drinking for almost a year. he then played in golf scramble and got absolutely wasted, amking a complete ass of himself. he hasnt drank since and stil regrets drinking that time, he realized that drinking + himself do not mix well and he cannot handle the situation.

i drink -- im sure ill drink until i die

i hope everything goes well

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