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Old 11-29-2004, 06:18 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Building a DVD collection update 2

I think you under-rated The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly incredibly. That movie is a 5.0 all the way.

You also need to get For a Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More. Those three are all much better than Pale Rider.

I agree with the feller who said you really should get Pulp Fiction. That thing is amazingly watchable, again and again. Get the new version that came out, with all the great extras. Siskel and Ebert did a whole show on Tarantino, which I've never seen them do on anyone else, and it was included; lots of other cool extras too.

It's a lesser film, but you might want to try Reservoir Dogs too, and most guys seem to like The Usual Suspects a lot.

I would really recommend Heat a lot, by Michael Mann. Deniro and Pacino are in it, as two sides of the same coin, one a devoted professional thief and head of a crew, and the other the copy who is chasing him down. DeNiro's acting is fantastic in it. When he pulls off a freeway to go kill someone, watch the incredible things that go on in his face and the unbelievable timing, all without him saying a word. It's some of the most convincing and spectacular acting I've ever seen. Absolutely flawless and brilliant. Plus some of the best shoot outs and general action I've ever seen. DeNiro is a god in this movie.

Thief, with James Caan, is also an extremely good one by this director, and very re-watchable.

Oh, about some Scorcese. Taxi Driver and Goodfellas.

And you need a good kung fu movie. I'd recommend Drunken Monkey in a Tiger's Eye, sometimes called just Drunken Master. The old 70's Jackie Chan one. There's a Columbia version out, I think, and on that one the commentary alone is worth the price of the DVD -- two Hong Kong cinema experts who know Jackie Chan and all about those films say one interesting thing after another; I could have listened to hours more of them alone. And the kung fu is phenomenal, and not just Jackie's.

Also, there's Once Upon a Time in China with Jet Li, parts 1, 2, and 3. I got a version that was I think 20 bucks on Amazon that has all three in excellent quality. Those movies are out in all kinds of versions, some very expensive. There are some slow spots and lame comedy, but the kung fu is usually really good.

And I got a DVD of three Muhammad Ali fights. They are very cool to watch - one was Foreman, one was Liston, one was Frazier.

And for horror -- The Evil Dead and The Hidden. The first Alien. I also liked Carpenter's version of The Thing a lot.

I don't know much about Anime, and I generally don't like the look of it, but try Spirited Away. I've never talked to anyone who has seen it who didn't think it was fantastic.

Foreign film that will make you laugh your ass off but might also break your heart - My Life As a Dog.

For comedy -- Fawlty Towers. By far the funniest thing John Cleese ever did, and that includes Monty Python. Your great grandkids will be busting a gut watching those long after you've kicked the bucket.

And get some Simpsons DVD's!

The nice thing about those mentioned above is that they are very watchable with friends, too, as most have either not seen lots of those films or haven't seen them in a long time.
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