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Old 11-28-2004, 03:45 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Poker and College Essays

If you were talking about a college entrance essay -- it seems people here are thinking so -- I would think about doing something related to charity or community mindedness. Especially if you can make it not tiresome but have a feeling of being committed and excited. Charity and such are HUGE to a lot of people, defining in their minds a whole different and superior class of people, and will make many people have a high opinion of you whether they even like the essay or not. So it's a double whammy in your favor. It's a lot harder to look negatively in any way at your essay when they like or admire you already, and have already set you apart from the pack in their minds. Being a dedicated carebear is very, very +EV. As long as you don't sound too much like you're giving one of those inane "Miss America" speeches about how we should all come together and learn to love wildebeests or something.
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