Thread: Pet Peeves
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Old 11-28-2004, 06:14 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Re: Pet Peeves

Well, since you asked:

--People who bump into someone they know on a busy sidewalk, or in a busy hallway, and they stop walking to chat, and they stay RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING! No matter how much they get knocked around, they won't consider moving out of everyone's way to have their conversation.

--People who stand in doorways. You see this one a lot in the poker room, or at restaurants, or any other place where you might have to wait for a seat. They can stand anywhere in the building, but they pick a spot in the doorway. And when you say to them, "Excuse me, I'd like to get by," they step out of your way...THEN RESUME THEIR SPOT IN THE FREAKING DOORWAY!

--There are people who don't listen to what you're saying, they just wait for you to finish talking so that they can begin speaking. I don't mind that. I do have a problem, though, with those who don't try to HIDE the fact that they're not listening. They sigh, roll their eyes, check their watch, and my favorite, when you're voice sounds like it's coming to the end of a sentence, THEY DRAW A DEEP BREATH AND HOLD IT, until it's their turn to speak, so that they don't miss the oppurtunity. Because it would be unbearable to them to have to sit through one more sentence of SOMEONE ELSE talking to them.

--When the dealer asks a player to move over to help square up the table, and the guy moves a half-inch--usually he just shifts in his chair, and the chair doesn't move at all--then he gives the dealer that look that says, "What? I moved! Why are you looking at me?"

--The guy in the poker room who thinks that the tv closest to him is HIS tv, and should be set to a channel of his choosing. Go ahead and try to change it, and watch this guy. He'll jump up and scream as if you had just burst into his living room and commandeered HIS tv.

(This one's not just a poker thing. When I was booking sports in Vegas, I had a guy in a Red Wings jersey tell me that EVERYONE in the sportsbook wanted the sound on the Red Wings game. "NO ONE is watching that basketball game!", he insisted. "That basketball game" was Game One of the NBA Finals.)

--When the guy at the drive-thru gives me my change, he lays the bills flat on the palm of my hand, then he drops the coins onto the bill. I've got to make a quick snatch before the coins slide off onto the ground. Why can't he put the COINS in the palm of my hand? Then, as my hand closes, I can grab the bills with my fingers. I can't be the first person in the world to have thought of this.
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